Best friends come and go, but the warning signs are usually there at the first wrong turn of the friendship.
But, we fail to see the red flags when we are hoping that our friends have our best interest at heart.
Here is how to spot if your best friend is your worst enemy.
1. Going after someone that you used to like
Never trust someone who would talk to your ex bae. For one they are breaking all the rules of girl code.
And you probably tell them you are ok with them seeing so and so, but you know deep down that you’re lying. Any girl who is willing to break that barrier isn’t a friend, she is an enemy.
2. They keep secrets from you
When your bestie is willing to keep important information from you that obviously means she is hiding something. Nobody wants to get stabbed in the back, and good friendships are the ones that are honest.
3. You’re always trying to one up each other
If you are in constant competition with your BFF, then that means they will never let you have the glory. Don’t get me wrong friendly competition is fine, but it can be taken too far.
You should always have a friend, who is willing to let you have the spot light once in a while, and vice versa.
4.They leave you behind for someone else
Ok ladies, never trust anyone who is willing to leave you when you are out at the club or drinking at a bar.
No man is worth leaving your best friend at a bar alone. No man should ever come in between you and your girl. Sister before misters, remember that!
5.They put you down
Sometimes you aren’t going to look good in a top and your bestie will tell you that it’s not the move.
But they will never put you down intentionally or in a rude way. Just remember a good friend tells you their honest opinions but in a nice and supportive way.
6. She doesn’t “got you’
When you are picking up the check at dinner and they promise to pay you back but never do, well this is a red flag.
Your BFF will always pay you back or spot you. But this has to be a two-sided thing, never be the one to always get the check.
Best friends always have each others backs…always.
7. They don’t call you their BFF
If your friend won’t even call you their best friend is she even really your bestie? I don’t know about you, but if you are always boasting about your BFF and then can’t even call you their best friend well I think this calls for a red flag!
8. You are the only one making an effort
Are you the first to call? The first to text? And the first one to ever plan everything? Well friendships are another form of a relationship and it has to go both ways. Two is always better than one!
9. You are always being left out
If you’re bestie isn’t inviting you out, or ignores your messages in the group chat then odds are they aren’t really your friend. You don’t have to spend every moment with your girl friend but it would be nice to get an invite out!
10.They never have anything nice to say
If your friend is willing to talk bad about your other friends in front of you, then that means they won’t have any problem talking bad behind your back. Your friend will always be a good person inside and out! Plus your friend shouldn’t always spread bad vibes.
Good friends are hard to find, and the bad ones are hard to spot!
But these tips will help you know if your best friend is on the verge of becoming your frenemy!
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