In the 21st century we humanize the mistress, by calling them the side chick. Some “side chicks” know they are the 2nd in command and play their role and some side chicks, unfortunately have no idea of their tainted status. Use this guide to find out if you are the “wife” or “side piece.”
He has an “ex girlfriend” he still talks too.
There’s no problem with being cool with your ex, but he’s taking trips with his ex to Canada. Come on girl, that’s more than just his “ex girlfriend.”
He disappears for nights or weeks.
This is a clear sign!!! If you can’t reach him when you want, then he’s not only your man.
You don’t know any of his immediate family and if you do they look at you sideways.
If his entire family thinks he still goes out with his “ex” or gives you the side-eye every time you come over, then girl that’s a clear sign that you are the SIDE CHICK.
You don’t know where he lives and/or never been to his home.
If he is only taking you to motel, hotel, or other people’s homes then you may want to consider moving on because you are a SIDE CHICK. Girlfriends should know where their MAN lives.
He doesn’t discuss any long term plans with you and you haven’t celebrated any major holidays together ever.
You don’t celebrate holidays with him – not even Valentine’s Day. He hasn’t made any move towards the future or discussed where your relationship is going then you may not be a keeper but a SIDE CHICK.
He doesn’t allow you to hold his hand in PUBLIC
Come on, if you have been dating a guy for months, holding hands shouldn’t be an issue. If this is an issue please rethink your options. It’s obvious that he’s either awkward or scared of letting his guard down. Why would he be scared of letting his guard down around his boo, you ask? It’s because you’re not his only boo and if his other boo’s friend, cousin, sister or mother sees him holding another girl’s hand, all Hell will break loose.
He doesn’t have any pictures of you in HIS Phone
I know some guys hate cuffing pictures or taking selfies, but if he has no pictures of YOU in his phone. It’s probably because he is hiding something or protecting himself from the thousands of questions from his “main chick.”
If you are a side chick don’t worry, it happens to the best of us (EVEN ME). Guys are liars. Once you realize the truth, run because he will try to convince you that it’s not true and you’ll find yourself in a full bed of mess!

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