So you finally landed a keeper. You want to scream it from the top of your lungs, I’m in love with a winner. However, ever time you bring him up your friends change the subject or tell you to pump your breaks. You know that your friends are ride or die, but you’re wondering why aren’t they partaking in your joy of happiness. Well, there are a multitude of reasons. Here are just a few:
1. Your friends are Love Haters. They are with you when you’re down, but when you’re up they can’t be happy for you. Some people can only be happy in your misery.
2.Your friends are Spotlight Stealers. They need to be the center of attention always. These people need to be seen and talked about to have their existence validated. If you start talking about anything that doesn’t involve them, they tune you out.
3. Your Friend is a Friend in Waiting. Sometimes people establish and maintain friendships with people that they are secretly crushing on in hopes of establishing a romantic relationship later. They may try to be enthusiastic about your new love affair, however their hearts are being broken inside, which causes them to shut your happiness down.
4. Your Friend is a Frienemy. She can’t bask in your happiness because she really isn’t a friend. These are people who are always breaking your spirit down and calling it a joke.
5. Your Friends are just plan old Selfish. They had big summer plans with you being young, single, and free. Basically, you ruined it by falling in love and they can’t handle it. They want to be happy for you but your happy is their lost, so they’re thinking, “whatever”.
If your friend falls in any of these categories, you will need to reevaluate your friendship. If you feel that your friendship is worth saving then you sit your friend down for a frank talk. Let them know how you feel and what type of friendship you expect from them. With good communication you and your friends will be on track for a more supportive relationship.
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