Ms Sahle-Work has become Africa’s first and only Head of State
History was made.
On October 25th, Ethiopian lawmakers unanimously elected the first female president. President Sahle-Work’s election to the ceremonial position comes only days after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s resignation.
In an effort of gender equality, Ethiopian lawmakers made a decision to have a gender equal Cabinet. To incite their plan, lawmakers approved a Cabinet with women taking up more than half of the ministries, including the position of defense minister and the new Ministry of Peace.
Sahle-Work Zewde is a well-respected and knowledgeable political pioneer. She’s held positions in the United nations, where she served as thee first director-general of the U.N. office in Nairobi, and she’s also worked in peacekeeping operations in Africa. before her transition to Head of State, President Sahle-Work was the U.N. secretary-general’s special representative to the African Union.
President Sahle-Work has been a longstanding voice in woman empowerment, education, and representation. Having a female in such a high position of power, “speaks volumes for women and knocks on every door,” she said, “especially in a country where patriarchy plays a decisive role in political, social and economic structure of our country’s politics.”
After she was sworn in President Sahle-Work promised to work aggressively to continue to make gender equality a reality in Ethiopia. According to reports, President Sahle-Work told MP’s that if they thought she was talking too much about women, she was only just beginning.
Africa is now experiencing a wave of political and economic reforms. However, this appointment is the greatest feat yet.
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