
Young, Gifted & Lit: Symphani Soto, From Beauty Guru to Pop Star

Symphani Soto got her start on Youtube by blogging her life and singing song covers. Before she knew she became one of the most popular Beauty Vloggers on the Platform.  Ever evolving, Symphani Soto eventually began to release her own singles.

The multi-talented creator sat down with MEFeater for ‘Young, Gifted and Lit’’s debut to discuss her journey to YouTube and overcoming her fears of welcoming all of us into her world of music!

Symphani for MEFeater's YGL
Symphani Soto for MEFeater Magazine

Producer: Kyle Adams

Executive Producer: Gabrielle Amani

Director of Photography: Andrew Osborne

Art Director: Animah Danquah

Stylist: Kadeem Harper

Photographer: Jermain Asiedu

Makeup Artist: Penelope Sierra

Hair Stylist: Rahel Atalay

Talent: Symphani Soto

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