It has been almost 4 years since Flint, Michigan has had clean water. JUST, an eco-friendly water company founded by Will and Jaden Smith has donated 9,200 bottles of water to Flint and will continue …
#MEFPicks: 10 Underappreciated Fashionistas
There’s nothing we love more than individual style shown by our favorite fashionistas here at MEFeater. Being creative with fashion embodies everything style is meant to be about. While you don&…
Jaden Smith’s SYRE is an Impressive Showing of His Influences and Potential
We spoke about Jaden Smith’s potential to shock the world a week ago and, for the most part, we were right. Although many did not expect it, Jaden Smith’s debut album SYRE turned out to b…
Jaden Smith Could Shock the World With His Debut Album ‘SYRE’
Often when we think of Jaden Smith, him being the son of Will Smith isn’t the first thing to come to mind. We think of cryptic tweets, creative fashion sense, and credible acting. He has made a …
Jaden Smith stars in African-American led Anime ‘Neo Yokio’ on Netflix
Jaden Smith is starring in a new African American-led anime on Netflix as the character Kaz Kaan, a “magistocrat” in the futuristic city of Neo Yokio. According to Deadline, Neo Yokio is created by Ez…
MEFeater’s Best and Worst Dressed: Met Gala 2017
It’s that time of year again…..Met Gala Time! The Metropolitan Museum of Art is raising money for the fabulous Costume Institute and the who’s who of Fashion are ready to help the c…
Drake is Announced ‘Best Dressed Man’ of 2016 and People Are Confused!
Yesterday British GQ announced Drake as 2016’s Best Dressed Man in the world and many took to social media to question GQ’s choice and drag the cover. He looks like a scamming manager that force…
Jaden Smith Gives Out New MSFT Gear in London
Actor and recording artist Jaden Smith had a meet and greet in front of London’s Buckingham Palace on November 8th. This meet up was created for Smith to do a surprise giveaway of his clothing brand ‘…
Post Malone “August 26th” Mixtape Review
I usually give myself about 2 weeks before making any concrete statements about an album or mixtape, but Post Malone delivered big time. Having only a few songs out prior to his mix tape, it…