Chidera Eggerue, also known as The SlumFlower on Instagram, is the creator of the #SaggyBoobsMatter movement. This body image movement was created to bring a positive representation to women with saggy breast.
In an interview with Indy 100 last month, Eggerue gave her thoughts on beauty standards, anti-blackness and Eurocentric standards.
“When it comes to beauty standards in the West, I do feel like it’s very Eurocentric, and I don’t think it will change for a while”
“These beauty standards definitely feed into the black community and create internalized anti-blackness — which is essentially when black people hold ideas that the darker you are the worst you are. It’s colourism. This internalized anti-blackness changes the way we view black women,”
Eggerue started the #SaggyBoobsMatter campaign to bring awareness to the different types of breasts that are not usually seen in the media.
Last July Eggerue wrote, “Due to under-representation of saggy-looking boobs in the media, we are all taught that there’s only one way to be beautiful and that includes having super perky boobs … If I had seen women with saggy boobs being glorified for their beauty, I wouldn’t have developed a complex as a very young teenager,”
The topic of anti-blackness and colourism, are from the lack of representation of blackness within the media; the workforce, political powers, or restaurants.
Colourism happens when light-skinned black people gain more privileges because of their close proximity to whiteness.
Eggerune noted that many black women struggle daily with self-love, especially women that are dark-skinned.