The year of “What do I want?”
When coming out of a year of putting everyone needs in front of yours, it’s about time that yours come.
This year will allow you the opportunity to discover, while creating what you have envision for yourself to have happiness.
Although it may seem as if there are roadblocks in your way, before your happiness can be uncovered you must first heal the things that have been the cause of your unhappiness. You will see that this plays a big part of what may be happening in your personal life, relationships, and even your memories.
Courage is the acceptance of fear, and the belief that you can deal with or get through, whatever is causing it.
“3” represents lightness, happiness, innocence, peace, truth, friendship, creativity, communication, youth, beauty, optimism, laughter,and love.
The Extremes: dark sides

In terms of depression, sorrow, guilt, gossip, oppression, destruction, lies, enemies, ugliness, pessimism, cynicism, coldness, rejection, scandal, and even cruelty.
All these things have purpose.
This year’s experiences will bring you into deeper waters, causing deeper and meaningful forms of happiness.
“3” expresses the emphasis of independence within loving relationships; allowing you the ability to love deeply without worrying or fearing what others may think. “3” has the energy of charisma and attraction, showing your inner beauty to flow outwardly. Making it hard to be resisted.
When you begin to gain approval of self and what is your heart desire; people that are familiar with you will begin to take note. Allowing them to see you as you are, not what you were or was.
“3” is to show us that these adverses can cause us to receive happiness from the shallow and superficial things in life. Such as vanity, but this year is to show the deeper waters of happiness. Allowing you to see and feel the meaningful purpose of life. It’s true joys.
The world that we are living in is full of things that may cause misery. Familiar with the saying “misery likes company”, when it comes to the “3” year you will be reminded that life is not meant to be ‘unhappy”. As people sometimes we tend to believe that seeking our own personal happiness is unrealistic or impractical, but this only caused by our own personal guilt.
The “3” year is to let you know not to allow guilt to enter in because all you are doing is giving power to it. Allowing it to become apart of your universe. You have to take your being serious, with doing so you will find your purpose from within. Happiness leads to endless joys.
Having a false confidence will not benefit you in this year. Putting up an illusion of happiness or being fearless will be an impossible role to keep up with and even become uncomfortable not only for yourself but it will become apparent for others around you. This year isn’t about requiring the approval of others, in no way.
When you try to keep or connect specific individuals that do not belong within circumstances or social structures friction will begin to rise. While trying to please one person, there is a possibility of upsetting the next person. You can only satisfy yourself first, allow others to choose who their friends may be.
Friends are important within this year. Are you following a crowd or are you being your own person? What gives you joy? Is life a constant routine for you? Or are you being creative and daring?

You will begin to see how you have started to outgrow different friendships and associates, some may surprise you. In this year you will begin to on your inner being. Your inner being is made up of your feelings, with being so they want to be free. Wanting you to be around others that understand what it means to be free and to be unique. The different things you face will begin to show you the value of free will, allowing you to see it’s the ultimate form of human evolution.
Understanding your individuality, will allow you to broaden your talents even ones you didn’t know you even had. When it comes to new talents it’s important to pursue those talents wholeheartedly. Begin to turn your focus on improving yourself on every level. While doing this, you may decide to change your look to cater to who you are becoming but first you must eliminate your bad habits.
When you begin to put your happiness first, the task that comes with responsibilities will become lighter/easier. Always keep your goals in the forefront as you continue to discover new things about yourself. Stay focus, because yes you may receive all of what the “3” year has to offer but if your mind is cloudy you won’t be a able to be as effective.
This does not mean you abandon what is happening around you, or stop lending a helping hand wherever it may be needed. The “3’ year may come off as a year of “self” but it isn’t.
Being all about self will not allow success to come your way. Life will cause you to reach out to others in an friendly, optimistic, and healthy manner. Being kind and giving in nature will allow the success you seeking to come your way. Begin to think on what can you give to a situation, instead of what can you get out of a situation. You will begin to see the kind and generosity that you’ve given out to be return back, “reap what you have sown”.
In this year you will learn the difference between love and guilt. The number “3” means innocence. You will begin to see that guilt is the biggest obstacle in your journey of being fulfilled. The way for you to eliminate guilt is to stop prejudging what may be wrong or right. Begin to have total acceptance for your natural capacity for decency and compassion.
Communication and expression is an representation of the “3” year. You will begin to see verbal or written words, sounds, rare ideas, images and humor; they all have a critical part in your life. It’s important that you nurture the ideas you have and that you don’t allow them to just be ideas but to make them real. Begin to create and not just imagine.
Keep in mind that these things can cause problems if you are not careful. For example, if taken out of content within the reality it is in. It is not unlikely within this year to blab out words thoughtlessly. Even putting out pictures that can be offensive or hurt the feelings of others.
This isn’t something that you just brush underneath the rug. For it is something that can put you in a difficult position that may be difficult for you to come out of. The damage that can be created with words and images can be destructive in a way that is beyond your control.
Within this year it is important that you do not become victim of hearsay, that loud inner voice, of the voice of authority. When it comes to the truth, it can be overshadowed by deception or false interpretation. So, always be careful for nothing.
The number “3” is known as the number of appearances. Meaning you have to see what is the “deep root” of things, not just the surface appearance of it. It is important to know what is the difference between struggle and effort.
Optimism is the number “3”. When used right it is important for clarity and for when it comes to achieving your goals. What are your goals? Whatever they are, stay positive!

Understand that what you think is what will be attracted to you. Whether it is consciously or subconsciously. When guilt begins to creep in, it will make being optimistic feel as if you’re producing false hopes. Take note that this can become a reality if you don’t take advantage of the different potential it shows. Optimism is meant to show you that endless possibilities do exist.
The plans, and ideas that you started in the previous years will begin to start moving and progress will begin. Your optimism will begin to increase, making you want to strive for nothing short of the best.
The uniqueness about the number “3” is that its qualities are meant to be shared with others. Whether it’s for the better or not. When you have a genuine confidence about yourself it causes others to be inspired. Criticism or resentment can offer negative vibes. The qualities of “3” ultimately has a lasting effect on whomever you encounter. When it comes to what you say, feel, create or take part in; will affect others, their mood, and set the atmosphere.
Of course you will come in contact with people that enjoy criticizing, you may even be one for a period of time. Others will be like a mirror reflecting your inner feelings. Feelings and beliefs that have be hidden, you’ll begin to discover; you will begin to see that your unhappiness is rooted from not being able to feel your true feelings or being able to express them.
A feeling that you will feel is anger. When it comes to getting what you want, people, or circumstances; anger will arise. It will trigger a sense of anger that you didn’t think you could possibly feel.
Take note that it isn’t others that are holding you back, it’s your old thinking/beliefs and expectation that are hindering you. You have to be the anchor for yourself so that you can create what you want to be a reality.
Problems will come within this year but you are equipped to deal with whatever comes your way. Happiness is your theme, please understand that it is an emotion, you have to express it as it is and when it is felt. Spontaneity is of number 3.
Yes, the “3” year beginnings with emphasizing the things that will make you unhappy but it is to show/see you a positive light. This year can offer to you some surprises if you allowing your willpower to guide your deepest feelings. Remember this year will give you that gift of optimism you’ve needed, a positive beginning. The “3” year will be an intriguing year, and creative as well.