We are nearly a month into the new year and I am sure we are all loosing the energy we had January 1st. But to avoid falling back into the rut of 2017 I have some tips that will help you stay productive and motivated.
Write down your goals and put them somewhere you’ll see them everyday
They say, “a goal is just a dream until it is written down” and that is so true! Having your aspirations written down and concrete really helps to keep a clear and focused mindset.
Set a lot of small goals mixed with a few big goals
If you say you want to buy a house, get your doctorate, and run a marathon this year you’re going to spend eighty percent of your year feeling unaccomplished which causes people to give up on their goals. However, if along with those big goals you plan to put a little extra in your savings each month, and apply to colleges, and run for twenty minuets a day you will accomplish a lot more and all the small goals should lead you to your ultimate desire. This is a great way to keep your every and moral up all year.
Maximize every minuet you can
This is to say don’t waste time! Even if you are tired from a long day of work and you just want to lay down and watch tv you can still make that chill time productive. For example, if one of your goals is to update your kitchen then watch HGTV when you are winding down. It is little things like that that can make a world of difference. It’s using that found time to better yourself. This way you don’t have to give up any of your precious time, but you will gain so much.
Be an authority on your finances
Now I know this idea may seem scary or unrealistic to some people, but don’t worry I don’t mean go back to school for an accounting degree(: I just mean look into proper budgeting practices for your income and future spending needs. Make sure that if there are things you want in the future, like a family, a home, an education, that you save for it. Because being confident and secure financially receives so much stress and allows you more freedom to do things and be the person you wish to be!
Work on taking charge
In any job, class or field authority and confidence is respected. If you wan to shift from working a job and fining your career you should figure out your passion and skills and loose yourself in them! By becoming an expert in your field you gain credibility and when you are knowledgeable you can express your most confident self. Being strong and confident are traits every employer wants so by working on carrying yourself as such you can work toward that promotion or new position you’ve had your eye on(: