These 8 exercises target the trouble spots us women worry about most. Most believe that losing weight is all about cardio, but a fit and healthy body needs to be toned as well. So just flip through this slide show for eight moves that target the glutes, arms, tummy, and more.
Of course, to get that perfect body you’re dreaming of you can’t just exercise. You must eat well also! So let’s move on to eight tips on developing healthy eating habits.
- Smaller Portions: You don’t have to give up all the foods you love just compromise. Eating less food helps speed up your metabolism and helps fend off those random binges that ruin diets. *Tip: When you are making dinner use smaller dishes, so it looks like more food, but is actually less. Less Food, Higher Metabolism and less calories!
- Always Have an Appetizer: No I don’t mean wings or onion rings; If you have a salad appetizer you’ll be semi-filled up on the healthy stuff before moving on to the main course. This means you’ll be just as full by the end of the meal, but some of that space will always be veggies.
- Break Up with Red Meat: The steaks, the burgers, and yes, the bacon): Cut back on it all. These meats are rough on your digestive system. The energy red meats are suppose to be providing you is actually being wasted on digestion.
- Try Cooking More: Everyone loves to eat out. No dishes, no work, no problem! But how about you add cooking at home to your list of new years resolutions? When you eat out there are many more unhealthy options that draw you in. Take your diet into your own hands and cook. (It is also easier on the wallet) *Tip: Get a subscription to Blue Apron. They will send you healthy ingredients monthly to facilitate your new home cooking obsession.
- Drink Water: You would be amazed at how many calories you can cut out by
drinking water with all your meals. If you really think about it, drinking a beer, or soda with your meals here and there adds up. By always having water, whether you eat out or in, you are being healthier in many ways and you will hardly notice the swap.
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