In recent years, there has been on onslaught of films based upon both the DC universe comics and Marvel comics including Batman, Spider Man, the Avengers, Superman, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, etc. These films are all male-centric, which is a common problem slowly being addressed in Hollywood, this is one of the movies that is starting to make progress. The first trailers promise what is typically expected of a super protagonist movie. Wonder Woman, played by talented Gal Gadot, is a striking, strong, character, who seems to even at first glance, have some small, very real flaws, such as naivety of social situations in a world and culture she has never known; this of course a flaw most would identify with, which serves to make Wonder Woman a much more exciting character to watch.
Furthermore, Gal Gadot was born in Israel, and so the portrayal of Wonder Woman is so much more real than having a western, American or English actor play her. This has been a problem of late, such as Tilda Swinton being casted as the Ancient One in Dr Strange in favor of a man from the Himalayas, or Emma Stone voicing a Hawaiian character in Aloha.
Wonder Woman has a history of portrayals, with a popular, long-running, live-action T.V series under her belt, appearances in animated series and movies, however this is the first solo live-action movie focused on Wonder Woman, and with Gal Gadot it is certainly in safe hands. Especially since Gadot is promoting the bisexual nature of Wonder Woman that the trailers have hinted at. Writers have confirmed Wonder Woman’s bisexuality according to Gadot candidly told reporters that she would be interested in Halle Berry playing Wonder Woman’s love interest in any sequel according to Knowing there could be a sequel is thrilling enough, but to have a portrayal of same-sex adoration and love between Halle Berry and Gal Gadot is overwhelmingly brilliant.
The movie promises a bit more than just action. There is an ounce of comedy in the trailer, which suggests that Gadot’s character is fulfilling more than just the kick ass, heroic role, but has further layers to her. This movie may even pass the Bechdal test, considering the trailers features more than just one speaking woman, and features a female villain, who isn’t a “sexy lamp.” For those who don’t know, a “sexy lamp” is a trope to prove that women’s existence in film was mostly as decoration, this is proved if you can remove the woman from the scene and replace her with a sexy lamp and it won’t disrupt the movies narrative. To everyone who wishes to see more roles about woman, especially in positions of power as Wonder Woman is, than I recommend supporting this film by attending it in theaters.
Below is the official trailer! Tell us what you think!