I have a confession to make. My favorite show on television is……wait for it…….Dance Moms. I know, I know go ahead and judge me. I enjoy watching an over weight, white woman yell at little girls. I can’t help it, it’s my guilty pleasure and it is darn entertaining.
One of my favorite dancers on the show, just made one of her proudest fans even prouder. Nia Sioux, debuted her first music video, Star in Your Own a Life, in late April. The song is a sweet sentiment for anyone who feels left out or like a full-time back up dancer to some one else’s coming out party. With lyrics like “Your happiness is on you, No matter what just keep fighting and push through,” the 13-year-old dancer expresses to kids of all ages to let go of all doubt and to believe that you are a bright, shinning star in your own life. A message Nia probably knows oh so well, since she has danced five years in a Dance Company that seems to only push and support those lucky favorites (Maddie). However, even with this clear favoritism, Nia hasn’t stopped her dreams of becoming a singer or an all around entertainer. Without the help of her Dance Teacher and manager, she managed to create a beautiful visual with the help of her mother, Holly, Aubrey O’day and a well-known LA based team. A lesson to all, if someone refuses to help you, help yourself.
Even though the entire dance community is rooting for Nia, there has been mixed reviews on her video. Some say it’s too sexy for a 13-year-old. The argument some viewers express is that Nia looks far too grown with her hair extensions and midriff section showing. To these commentators I say, you haven’t been watching the show. Nia is a dancer and an exposed midriff is something as natural to a dancer, as good posture. I agree, Nia is a mature, young woman, but that adds to her sweet charm. Her height adds to her maturity and of course the makeup and hair extensions makes her look older. It makes everyone look older, including myself. What everyone fails to understand is that Nia has been wearing makeup and weave since the first season of Dance Moms. This is the world she comes from, it is nothing new for her.
On a positive note, everyone seems to love the song and the message behind it. It is sung beautifully and I can’t detect a spec of auto-tune. The song is something you can here on the radio and it isn’t the Kids Bop trash we were expecting. I for one am pleasantly in love with Nia’s single and music video. Her dancing was amazing and in synced with her back up dancers, but most importantly her song was delightful. Watch Nia’s first music video and tell me what you think!
Comment Below: Too Sexy or Just Right?!
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