
Nia Sioux Debuts her First Music Video Ever!

Comments (18)
  1. YourGrandma says:

    wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to sexy, she’s like 11
    come on

    1. Laura says:

      Actually she is 14.

    2. heidi says:

      lol, she’s super old now

  2. Catherine Yahiaoui says:

    ZI do not like it. You cannot hear her voice and cannot make out what the words are. It is too sexy for a 13 yr old. I like Nia, but this is not right for her.

    1. Kate Riley says:

      I definitely see what you are saying, but I think the writer is right when saying this is the world she comes from

  3. Anonymous says:

    I said put your hearing aid on because you can hear what she is thinking of very clearly life is a runway so walk it’s not too sexy and it is appropriate for what the kids are listening to And want to hear and see these days. Just be happy for her and stop nitpicking nia is a star in her own life and we her fans are loving it.

    1. niafan1123 says:

      I agree, I love the song and am super proud of nia

      1. Anonymous says:


    2. Gilbert Bryan says:

      I am proud of Nia, but I don’t love it

  4. Anonymous says:

    Nia,is a beautiful,talented,dancer and singer. Wonderful job Nia! Keep going for your dreams.

    1. Gabrielle Amani says:

      Agreed! She’s so talented

  5. penney says:

    she is beautiful . I don’t like the part where two men was wearing a underwear. JUST A UNDERWEAR ! its too grown for 14 year old year don’t you agree ? but rather than that I liked it. it might don’t make since a little and the dance was all around the place but I like it.

  6. Anonymous, could you be Holly? Pretty sad. I like Nia but you’re really starting to worry me!

    1. Kelly R. says:

      why would you think that is Holly? Who has the time to comment on articles all day?

      1. cj tyleer says:

        Exactly, lol Holly is a grown woman, she don’t have time for that

  7. I loved it she was great. The message was positive and her voice was on point! She rocked it and I was proud as a dance moms fan and a Nia fan.

    1. duh says:

      Well Said! I thought the song was great, however i can see why people would think this is too grown.

  8. Anonymous says:

    the video is fun is a bit grown but those are modern dance move what i expect for dancers to wear. The scene with the dancers in underwear and body paint was a very poor choice it did not play well for so many reasons.

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