It’s summertime! It’s time for BBQing, pool/beach parties, and hanging with your homies.
It is also the time to get your mind right and find that special someone to keep you warm in those cold, winter months. Sleep on it and you might just be left out in the cold this winter, wondering where you went wrong. To ensure that doesn’t happen, here are some pointers for getting your winter bae.
First, you need to network and socialize. A person isn’t going to just land in your lap from the sky. You need to go out and meet people. Where, you say? Try the local beach or amusement park. Loads of people are there scantily dressed (so you can view what you will be working with)!
Second, once you made contact with a few (yes, I said a few) potential partners, it is now time to interview them for the job of being your winter bae. Remember this is your potential winter squeeze; you must be diligent and thorough if you don’t want a dud. You should schedule a date where you get to know them better. You may want to go to a public place where you can view the person’s social skills and etiquette to see if it matches with you. This date is only to see if you may potentially want to continue to see the person, so you shouldn’t be hooking up to have sex. This is a get to know her and not a get to bone her date.
A great place you may want to consider for a date is your local skating rink.
Most roller rinks have an adult hour or an after dark roller skating disco every week. This is a good place to check out your date’s social & physical graces. For example, if you are a novice skater or just a little rusty due to your lack of skating, does your date hold your hand to assist you or does he skate off leaving you in the dust? This is a great way to see how caring and courteous your date is. You will also be able check out the feel of his or her body. Answering the question: are you holding on flab or abs?
After you have gone through your screening process and chosen your bae, you need to solidify your relationship to ensure you have your winter squeeze. This is the time when you should go on various dates and rendezvous. Remember to go out in public to get know him or her better. Laying in bed with him isn’t a good strategy to use when trying to determine, if he is a keeper for the winter-time. You need a clear and level head when deciding if you have a winner.
Once you know for sure you have a winner you should seal the deal by proposing to become official winter squeezes. You now have your winter on lock, so settle in, get cozy, and enjoy the cold winter with a hot body.
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