
What’s your favorite color? Triangle, so are you a virgin?

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Comments (4)
  1. Anonymous says:

    OMG this i so true. I can relate

  2. danneil says:

    I disagree with the lack of confidence part. I use both “lets chill” & ” hey u wanna go out to eat” part, I believe its more of a “Hip change” like “lets hang out” or “lets kick it”. I totally agree with the texting situation, that 21 question thing is boring nd childish but it has its benifits. An also girls be texting boring unreplyable messages. The number one thing I hate is when a girl “I’m bored..entertain me” ..but your 5 point that u pointed out of knowing if a guy is interested in you are true. …..swerve#2??lml

    1. Derrick says:

      I hate that too! Entertain what?!

  3. Anonymous says:

    great story!!

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