You would think that living amongst 8 million people on a small island would land you prince charming, but dating in New York is harder than you think. Between the dating apps and online websites, finding your match isn’t like it used to be. If you’re a hopeless romantic, the dreams of meeting a man in a coffee shop and bonding over Fitzgerald isn’t really a reality. I have weaved my way through many dating apps, Tinder, Picke, Happn, Bumble…all of them are the same. Swipe this way, swipe that way, creepy guy, desperate clingy girls — so often that it almost becomes domestic.
But don’t lose all hope! To the romantics out there you can still find the one without using the typical “hook up” apps like Tinder. BUT HOW?! I have stumbled across and app that may have changed the way you see the city vs. your tragic love life. You may be thinking, “oh, great, another dating app” but don’t be discouraged just yet.
Although this isn’t a dating app at all and isn’t intended to land you dates, it does get you to move your face away from your cell phone screen and just experience the beauty of the city around you.
Fever is an app filled with a variety of different events all around the city. From Jazz music to singles mixers, this is the app that will help you to explore and to even meet people along the way. This isn’t a dating app, but it is an app for discovery and adventure, you never know the people who you are going to meet around the corner. I say ditch your dating app and meet people without having to swipe left. Go out and have fun! Finding your new beau should be as unexpected as the adventures ahead of you!

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