Tired of working your 9 to 5 job and wish you could just quit without stepping on anyone’s toes? Have you been on the prowl for a new job and finally landed employment at your dream company?
Whatever the case may be it sounds like you’re ready to quit your job…but don’t know how to do it!
Here are some quick tips on how to quit your job on a good note!
Put In Your Two Weeks
Once you’ve found a new job and you’re ready to leave your old one make sure you give your employer prior notice that you are leaving! There is nothing worse than being left in the dust, and employers feel the same way! The sooner you tell them the better, that way they have someone to replace you!
Don’t Freak Out
If you are nervous about quitting take a deep breath! You don’t need to be scared, people are on the hunt for new jobs all the time, leaving a prior job, and finding one more suitable for you is a part of life! Your current employer will understand! Don’t be afraid to leave a job, life goes on!
Make Sure You Leave With a Bang
On your last few days with the job don’t slack off, keep your work ethic in tact, so that they know what they are losing! And hey maybe if you ever want to come back, they wont be opposed to the idea because you worked your butt off! And lets be honest you’re probably good at what you do!
Say Goodbye And Say Thanks
Don’t forget to say goodbye to your boss, and to your coworkers! Show them that they will be missed because no matter how happy you are to be leaving, the job you are leaving is familiar and it will feel a little sad leaving it behind to start fresh! Thank your boss for all of the things you have learned and all the opportunities they have given you! Be thankful!
Leaving jobs and starting new ones are harder than you think! However, change is inevitable; you just have to know how to quit on a good note! It all comes with experience and with how you approach the situation! Don’t be afraid to close a door, but be excited that you can open a new one! Good luck to all you hard workers out there!