On Jan. 20, 2024, Pluto moves into the constellation of Aquarius. This marks the beginning of a significant astrological shift that will affect humanity entirely through January 2044. During this time, Pluto begins its 20-year transit through the constellation of Aquarius. The effects of Pluto in Aquarius can bring a cycle of deep transformation that revolutionizes communities, social circles, and technology. This powerful transit ushers in a new era of technological, structural, and societal changes that will reflect from now through 2044 and beyond.
Pluto is in Aquarius briefly from Jan. 20, 2024 – Sept. 1, 2024, before briefly retrograding back into Capricorn for seven weeks. The retrograde in Capricorn is the last time to close out and complete the final cycles before moving into a new Aquarian era. On Nov. 19, Pluto transits back into Aquarius, permanently through March 6, 2043. During this 20-year Pluto transit, we expect to see major societal and technological transformations spread throughout the globe. It’s important to remember that the personal effects of this Pluto in Aquarius transit will depend on which house it’s activating in your birth chart and the influence of any adjacent planet(s).
March 23, 2023 – June 11, 2023 – Aquarius (FIRST transit in Aqua)
June 11, 2023 – Jan. 20, 2024 – Capricorn
Jan. 20, 2024 – Sept. 1, 2024 – Aquarius – (CURRENT transit in Aqua)
Sept. 1, 2024 – Nov. 19, 2024 – Capricorn
Nov. 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043 – Aquarius (FULL transit in Aqua)
March 8, 2024 – August 2043 – Pisces
August 2043 – January 2044 – Aquarius (FINAL transit in Aqua)
The ultimate transformer, Pluto, rules death and rebirth, intensity, extremes, secrets, power, control, obsession, and wealth. The cycle of destruction and then building something new — like a phoenix rising from the ashes — are all ruled by Pluto. Compared to all the planets, Pluto has the longest transit through a zodiac sign/constellation — taking 20 years on average to move from one constellation to the next. Pluto takes 240 years to complete a full cycle through all 12 zodiac signs. Pluto transits represent a cycle of destroying old cycles and creating better systems of power.
For the last 15 years, humanity has been experiencing the effects of Pluto in Capricorn. Since 2008, we’ve seen power and control shift into the hands of corporate structures, banks, and other corporate or banking institutions. This transit occurred in an earth sign, which meant society found power (Pluto) through money, status, legacy, and material resources (Capricorn). Pluto’s transit through Capricorn transformed society’s view of history. Now viewed through an unfiltered lens, we began to deconstruct and challenge traditional ways. This perspective is naturally and firmly held by the generation born under the transit.
Aquarius is the inventor, the architect, and the sign of innovation. Ruled by Uranus (modern) and Saturn (traditional), Aquarius has a penchant for radical change (Uranus energy) and creating new structures or dynamics (Saturn). Aquarians are not afraid to break the rules — if there can be a better system in place. They’re bold enough to go against the status quo and build a better one. Aquarius is a champion of humanitarianism and community, often seen as a forward-thinking visionary. Aquarians are often committed to making the world a better place for the collective. Aquarius energy uplifts the underdog because it knows a community is as strong as its weakest member. Despite their aloof demeanor, Aquarius’ values are based on their empathy for others. Aquarius rules technology, community, humanitarianism, individuality, intellect, progressive thinking, quirkiness, and unconventional approaches.
Pluto will be in the sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years through 2044. During this time, we can expect to see a surge of technological inventions and advancements that significantly progress society forward. Pluto in Aquarius transforms how we, as a society, view our future, ideally creating a future that benefits society as a whole and not just “the individual.” During this transit, we may see a new approach to outdated systems, especially those that impact communities entirely. While Pluto is in Aquarius, there may be an emphasis on creative collaboration and community-driven initiatives to tackle global issues.
On an individual level, for those with Aquarius placements, this transit will destroy things that aren’t authentic to you and will sustainably rebuild them. This will affect each individual differently based on where they have Aquarius in their birth chart and any placements. This is a time to break free of outdated ways of thinking and embrace individuality, knowing that aligning with your true purpose benefits the greater good.
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