It’s Friday morning, you just got your weekly paycheck and you can’t wait to pay your bills and treat yourself to something nice. Unfortunately, after you pay your rent, buy groceries, pay your phone bill, buy your metro card, pay off some of your student debt, do your nails, and get your haircut, all you’re left with is $50 dollars! You ask yourself, “where did I go wrong?” You save at least $500 dollars a month, but you are still not where you want to be financially. You blame your poor spending habits, your need for space, and you even contemplate on getting a second job. Well, I’m here to tell you, stop blaming yourself and blame the bad economy, you inherited from your mother and father.
I don’t know if you noticed, but Millennials are growing up in the worst economy ever. The price of living has gone up, but our paychecks are still stuck in the 80’s. Our generation is the most educated generation in America, but we still make up 71% of minimal wage workers. The phrase “Sometimes life isn’t fair” takes on a whole new meaning in the 21st century. What happened to working hard and seeing the fruits of your labor? Watch the two videos below to understand how dire our situation truly is.
If there is a will there is a way. Even though we are coming of age in the worst job market since the depression, most Millennials are still optimistic about the future and rather do something they love than take a big pay check. With an attitude like that, success should be around the corner. Just remember to hustle, save, and spend wisely. I have faith our generation will have what our parents had and more!
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