Americas 45th President, Donald Trump, proposed via a White House News Conference held on February 22, 2018, his plans for gun control.
As the world knows, Americans love guns; and one thing they love more than guns, are even bigger guns! Over the years these guns have become front page news for all the wrong reason.
If a man drives drunk, and as a result causes a deadly accident, who will you blame? Better yet, who will the law prosecute? As sure as you are of your answer, now, why do you not feel the same certainty towards a deadly firearm that is being continuously misused? The owner of the murder weapon, whether it be a car or a gun, is to blame. When the offender is convicted, their driving privileges are revoked. The same just ruling should be applied in situations where a firearm is the catalyst.
According to The Congressional Research Service, Small Arms Survey, Lankford, University of Alabama obtained by CNN, the United States population is 325,971,228 million, making up 4.28% of the worlds population. Of that 325,971,228 million, 89 of every 100 person legally owns a firearm.
The President
Donald Trump, is aware of the above fact and his response is shocking. On February 14th, a mass shooting that was devised, planned and then orchestrated by a 19 year old white male grabbed the worlds undivided attention. The massacre claimed 17 innocent lives. On February 22nd (Thursday), in response to the devastating and unfortunate mass shooting, President Trump proposed arming teachers with firearms. He wholeheartedly believes educators should “shoot it out” with gunmen that trespass. That’s what one could interpret from,
“These people are cowards. They’re not going to walk into a school if 20% of the teachers have guns… And what I’d recommend doing is the people that do carry, we give them a bonus. They’ll feel more comfortable having the gun anyway. But you give them a little bit of a bonus.”
The American People
Everyday, the American people speak out against the National Rifle Association (NRA), demanding the current gun laws be modified so that we can feel a sense of safety in our own backyards. And every time, our voices are heard but remain neglected. The idea of arming teachers is a juvenile plan at best. Nothing can guarantee that armed teachers are more mentally stable and responsible than the students they teach. For common sense purposes, the country pleads for gun control. Change should not come after sad tragedies occur, especially if something can be done beforehand.
National Rifle Association (NRA)
The NRA is “a powerful lobby that advocates the right to own and bear arms and rejects any gun regulation by the government,” as defined by Their arguments deserve to be heard as equally as their opposition, but when young lives are at stake the idea of no gun regulation sounds uncompromising and entirely unreasonable.
The Gun Laws
We, American citizens and taxpayers, demand one thing from our government. Instead they propose putting more guns into circulation. Did you know that by Law, an 18 year old can legally purchase shotguns, rifles, as well as ammunition… made possible by The Gun Control Act of 1968.
- If you’ve ever played Grand Theft Auto, or Call of Duty, you can own one of those assault rifles, and or shotguns on your 18th birthday.
- 40 out of 50 states don’t require a license/permit to make a purchase at the gun store; just have your cash ready.
- Florida’s Lawmakers voted 71-36 against the measure of banning assault rifles (Tuesday Feb. 20), and the next day (Wednesday Feb. 21) refused to raise their legal age to purchase a firearm.
- White men have committed more mass shootings than any other group
A 2016 Academic Study conducted by The National Institute of Health states, “evidence is clear that the large majority of people with mental disorders do not engage in violence against others, and that most violent behavior is due to factors other than mental illness,” the study concluded.
Celebrity Response
Many, from politicians, celebrities, and regular folk have joined the discussion of America and its careless gun laws. Rapper T.I wants gun control, but doesn’t want to lose ‘Right To Bear Arms,’ in America. Senator Bernie Sanders wants congress to consider common-sense gun safety legislation and save innocent lives. Female rapper Cardi B also voiced that Trump is “really out of is mind.” To name a few public figures weighing in on the issue.
There are about 3.6 million public teachers in the United States, and Trump wants to arm 20-40% (720k) of them with guns. Trained officers have an 18% shot success rate against moving targets in the streets. If these occupational officers that live and breathe firearms, subduing gunmen, and protecting the public, have a low success rate at their jobs, what chance do educators have at being more accurate in the pursuit of protection?