Despite having no release date for Broke with Expensive Taste, Azealia Banks tweeted that the “Album leaks starting April 15th.” It’s about time she takes matters into her own hands about releasing her album! Angel Haze, another female rapper also leaked her album last year because of issues with her label, so likewise, Azealia decided to take matters into her own hands. It’s funny because Azealia previously had beef with Angel Haze and now she’s in the same situation that Angel Haze was in already. I guess the shade she throws does come around to haunt her! Furthermore, hopefully Azealia’s label will fix this issue soon and give an ACTUAL release, if not, then leak the album! Azealia, I’ve said this so many times, but get it together because your time is running out and we want to see you win!!
Album leaks starting April 15th.
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