*This story contains a spoiler*
And Just like That we all find ourselves falling in love with Sex and the City all over again. After six successful seasons, two movies, and our emotions being thrown all over the place; our girls are back!

The New Era
This past Thursday, HBO Max aired the new spin off, And Just Like That. After 11 years we finally got to see Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda on our TV screens. Now some of you may be wondering, where is Samantha? Truth is there is no definitive answer as to why Kim Cattrall is not coming back, but she said she will not be participating in this one. Sorry to my Samantha fans out there.
On the other hand, we are introduced to some new characters such as Lisa Wexley, played by Nicole Ari Parker and Dr. Nya Wallace played by Karen Pittman. Though we are following the same characters, we are not tuning into the same stories. A lot has happened since we were last reunited with our crew. Their kids have grown up, their careers have evolved, and they are now in completely different stages of life.
In true Sex and the City form, the girls gave us what they needed to give. From the fashion (we got to see the beloved Blue Manolo Blahniks once again), the laughs and the tears, And Just Like That, reminded us all of why we fell in love with the series to begin with.
What Now?
For some of us, Sex and the City holds a special place in our hearts. You might have been there when the series first debuted, or maybe caught on to the show when you were a teenager. Or like myself, you were too young to watch it when your mother did and in your adulthood, you ended up binge watching like there was no tomorrow. No matter how you started your love story with the series, everyone related to the show for the same reasons. It was always based on real life and with the new series, it still is. However, this time the topics focus more on what it’s like to adapt to modern day societal standards and morals.
Some scenes can be very hard to get through due to the second hand embarrassment from the characters, while other scenes can break hearts. One thing to really take in mind when watching the spin-off, the writers tend to focus on topics that could be considered more controversial than just sex. Not to say, And Just Like That, isn’t filled with the usual fun, but it definitely holds a heavier weight to it than it previously did. Especially in the first episode, when a beloved ‘Big’ character tragically dies.
There’s no telling what the writers have in store for us this season. But it is safe to say just based on the responses on social media, that viewers are definitely tuned in. So kick up your Manolo’s and grab your wine, because there’s a lot more in store for us.
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