Please read for your rising sign and sun sign.
January kicks off with fresh energy as Mercury stations direct on New Year’s Day, bringing more clarity in communication and general forward progress. As the month progresses, we see the seeds of a new future being planted. On Jan. 20th, Pluto embarks on a new 20-year journey into the sign of Aquarius. Simultaneously, the sun also moves into Aquarius on that day, marking the beginning of the Aquarius season. Expect a show on Jan. 25th, with the full moon occurring in the splashy sign of Leo.

Aries, when Mars enters Capricorn enters your 10H on Jan. 4, you may find their focus shifting towards their career and public image. Now is the time to channel your ambition and drive into professional pursuits; you may find new drive when working on professional projects. On Jan. 11, the new moon activates your 10H further, serving as a powerful start for new beginnings in your career. Two days later, on Jan. 13, Mercury enters Capricorn, emphasizing strategic communication in your personal and professional life.
On Jan. 20, both Pluto and the sun move into your 11H of Aquarius, affecting your 11H of networking, social media, and friendships. Aries — you’re a natural leader. Utilize your natural leadership skills to navigate any shifts that occur in your career or social circles this month.
- Mercury stations direct in 9H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 10H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 10H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 10H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 11H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 11H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 10H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 5H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 2H Taurus on 01/26

Taurus, Mercury stations direct in your 8H on Jan. 1, meaning you’ll see more forward movement surrounding financial gains and releasing debts. On Jan. 4, Mars enters Capricorn, energizing your 9H and propelling you toward deeper levels of exploration and learning. A new moon in Capricorn emerges on Jan. 11. This transit activates your 9H further, providing opportunities to grow in areas related to international travel, education, or justice. Two days later, on Jan. 13, Mercury enters Capricorn and enhances your thoughts and communication regarding these new growth opportunities. On Jan. 20, the sun and Pluto enter the constellation of Aquarius — this can mean deep, long-term transformations within your 10H of career, status, and legacy. As Pluto’s transit lasts through 2044, prepare yourself to adapt to changes in your professional career, learn new skills, and embrace technological changes in your career.
- Mercury stations direct in 8H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 9H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 9H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 9H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 10H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 10H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 9H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 4H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 1H Taurus on 01/26

Gemini, your new year starts with your ruling planet, Mercury, stationing directly in your 7H. This transit brings a huge theme of communication and partnerships. It can also bring clarity to any collaborations or legal contracts. When Mars enters your 8H Capricorn on Jan. 4, you may find that your focus shifts towards resources you share with others, debts, or physical/emotional intimacy; the new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 11 highlights the opportunity for new beginnings in these areas. Mercury later moves into your 3H Capricorn on Jan. 13, supporting more strategic thinking regarding your shared resources. You may experience the beginnings of deep transformations as the sun and Pluto move into your 9H Aquarius on Jan. 20. During this 20-year transit, Pluto will guide you to embrace technological advancements and changes in your belief systems, religion, and/or interest in international lands.
- Mercury stations direct in 7H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 8H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 8H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 8H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 9H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 9H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 8H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 3H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 12H Taurus on 01/26

Cancer, there’s a huge emphasis on your relationships and shared resources this month. Mercury stations direct on New Year’s Day, bringing a deeper insight into your work, routine, or health. On Jan. 4, Mars enters Capricorn, bringing energy into your 7H of partnerships. The new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 11 plants the seeds of new beginnings in your 7H of one-on-one relationships. Mercury, the planet of communication, also moves into your 7H Capricorn on Jan. 13, adding a boost to communication and thinking. Brace yourself for deep transformational changes. Pluto is shifting into your 8H of Aquarius on Jan. 20 and staying until 2024, highlighting themes related to your shared resources (financial or otherwise), intimacy, and community. Be open to embracing changes that may occur with technological advancements and how they may transform your intimate connections or private communities.
- Mars enters 6H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 7H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 7H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 8H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 8H Aquarius on 01/200
- Venus enters 7H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 2H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 11H Taurus on 01/26

Happy New Year Leo! 2024 begins with Mercury stationing directly in your 5H Sagittarius on New Year’s Day; you’re in your element as this brings clarity to your adjacent house of creativity and self-expression. With Mars entering your 6H Capricorn on Jan. 4, your focus shifts toward your day-to-day work, health, and habits. The new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 11, and Mercury’s entry on Jan. 13, bring an exciting opportunity to learn and start something new related to your daily health or work habits. Prepare yourself for a 20-year transit that transforms your relationships and one-on-one connections in your community, as Pluto (and the sun) moves into your 7H Aquarius on Jan. 20. Embrace these transformations and utilize that Leo charm to navigate any technological or societal shifts.
- Mercury stations direct in 5H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 6H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 6H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 6H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 7H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 7H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 6H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 1H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 10H Taurus on 01/26

Virgo, at the top of the New Year, you’ll begin to see more clarity and peace in your home or regarding your family, especially on your maternal side. Beginning on Jan. 4, you may find new drive and enjoyment, especially in romance or structured creative activities, as Mars enters your 5H Capricorn. On Jan. 11, the new moon in Capricorn points to a new beginning in these areas; perhaps beginning a ballet or drawing class catches your eye. With Mercury’s transit also moving into your 5H Capricorn, you’ll also find your thoughts and communication regarding these matters improving. Prepare yourself for transformational change regarding your daily work, health, fitness, and routines, occurring slowly over the next 20 years. This is due to Pluto’s transit into your 6H Aquarius, providing the opportunity to transform your routines and build communities within your work or health-related spaces. Utilize your practicality and intelligence to navigate technological advancements.
- Mercury stations direct in 4H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 5H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 5H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 5H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 6H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 6H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 5H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 12H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 9H Taurus on 01/26

Libra, you’re kicking off 2024 with Mercury stationing directly in your 3H Sagittarius on Jan. 1, providing clarity in your thoughts and communication. Mars, the planet of assertion (and war), enters Capricorn with your 4H of home, family, and comforts. The new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 11 provides an opportunity for new beginnings. With Mercury’s transit into Capricorn on Jan. 13, your natural diplomacy will help you communicate and navigate potential conflicts. Pluto’s 20-year transit into your 5H Aquarius on Jan. 20 signals deep transformations within your potential technological interests and creative and/or romantic pursuits.
- Mercury stations direct in 3H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 4H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 4H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 4H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 5H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 5H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 4H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 11H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 8H Taurus on 01/26

Scorpio, your new year begins with Mercury stationing directly on New Year’s Day in your 2H Sagittarius. As a result, you may start to see progression in your financial goals. Mars enters your 3H Capricorn on Jan. 4, showing persistence towards learning something new, especially with the new moon occurring on Jan. 11. With Mercury entering your 3H Capricorn on Jan. 13, you’ll see an increase in your thought processes or communication related to financial matters. Prepare for transformational changes regarding your family and home life, as Pluto begins its 20-year transit in your 4H Aquarius. Embrace potential changes that affect your home or family’s life, and utilize your perceptiveness to navigate technological advancements.
- Mercury stations direct in 2H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 3H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 3H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 3H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 4H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 4H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 3H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 10H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 7H Taurus on 01/26

Sagittarius, New Year’s Day kicks off with Mercury stationing directly in your 1H, bringing clarity to how you express yourself for this new year. Mars, the planet of assertion, enters your 2H Capricorn on Jan. 4, providing new drive and willpower to matters related to your finances or values. With the new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 11 and Mercury transiting Capricorn on Jan. 13, you may find excitement in learning a new skill that can advance your finances. Prepare yourself for transformational changes as Pluto transits your 3H Aquarius through 2044. Over time, you may experience a significant change in your mindset and learning style, especially through technological advancements. Sagittarius, trust your adventurous spirit to help you naturally navigate any shifts during this time.
- Mercury stations direct in 1H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 2H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 2H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 2H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 3H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 3H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 2H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 9H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 6H Taurus on 01/26

Capricorn, the new year kicks off with Mercury stationing directly in your 12H Sagittarius on Jan. 1. This transit can bring clarity and peace to your inner self and subconscious mind. Mars then enters Capricorn on Jan. 4, and the new moon occurs in the sign on Jan. 11. The shift provides an opportunity for a fresh start regarding your 1H of identity and how you express yourself. Mercury shifts into Capricorn on Jan. 13. At this time, your relationship with your “self” and inner thoughts may enhance. As Pluto begins its 20-year transit into your 2H Aquarius, prepare yourself for deep transformations regarding your finances and values. Utilize your practicality to embrace this new technological age, as you may find extreme financial gains (or losses) due to technological advancements.
- Mercury stations direct in 12H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 1H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 1H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 1H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 2H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 2H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 1H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 8H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 5H Taurus on 01/26

Happy birthday, Aquarius! 2024 starts with Mercury stationing directly in your 11H Sagittarius, bringing improved communication to your social circles. Mars enters your 12H Capricorn on Jan. 4, shifting your focus towards spirituality and being introspective. The new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 11 provides an opportunity to start fresh in these areas. Mercury transits into the sign on Jan. 13 and supports the opportunity to learn something new. Prepare for Pluto in Aquarius’ 20-year transit through your 1H of identity and self. By the end of this transit in 2044, you may look back and see a deep shift in your perspective on specific matters — especially involving community and/or technology. Aquarius, utilize your innovative thinking to navigate these transformational, personal, technological, and societal shifts.
- Mercury stations direct in 11H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 12H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 12H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 12H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 1H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 1H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 12H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 7H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 4H Taurus on 01/26

Pisces, your 2024 kicks off with Mercury stationing directly in your 10H Sagittarius on New Year’s Day, providing clarity in your career, public image, or legacy. On Jan. 4, Mars enters your 11H Capricorn, shifting your focus towards your social circles, networking opportunities, and/or online communities for the next few weeks. The new moon in Capricorn on Jan. 11 and Mercury’s transit into the sign on Jan. 13 plant the seeds for new opportunities regarding these themes. On Jan. 20, Pluto begins its 20-year transit in Aquarius, residing in your 12H. Embrace the shifts that occur through introspection; you may find that at the end of this transit, you’ve transformed your perspective on spirituality and what it means to you. You may also find that technology aids you in your journey through spirituality. Pisces, use your natural gift of compassion, empathy, and intuition to navigate these changes.
- Mercury stations direct in 10H Sagittarius on 01/01
- Mars enters 11H Capricorn on 01/04
- New Moon in 11H Capricorn on 01/11
- Mercury enters 11H Capricorn on 01/13
- Sun enters 12H Aquarius on 01/20
- Pluto enters 12H Aquarius on 01/20
- Venus enters 11H Capricorn on 01/23
- Full Moon in 6H Leo on 01/25
- Uranus goes direct in 3H Taurus on 01/26
As we dive into 2024, utilize astrology as your GPS to navigate the upcoming experiences, challenges, and blessings. Get a sneak peek into what 2024 has in store for your zodiac sign, and have no fear as any changes begin to unfold. We encourage you to read your astrological forecasts for both your sun and rising signs.
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