A birth chart (aka a Natal Chart) is a snapshot of the sky the moment you were born; think of it as your cosmic fingerprint. To determine your birth c…
Birth Chart 101
Birth Chart 101: What Each Planet Means in Astrology
A birth chart is a snapshot of the position of the planets at the exact time of a person’s birth. This snapshot of the planets (asteroids, const…
Birth Chart 101: Decoding the 12 Houses in Astrology
In astrology, a house is a slice of your birth chart that represents specific themes in life; the house rulership chart below helps dec…
Birth Chart 101: The Zodiac Signs + What Makes Them Unique
The zodiac is made up of 12 signs, and each comes with its own unique, individual archetype and distinctive characteristics. Every person has a bit of…
Birth Chart 101: How to Understand What the Planetary Glyphs Mean
Astrology has been studied for thousands of years, along with its many meanings, archetypes, and symbols. In astrology, symbolism plays a crucial role…