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How to Successfully Cut Someone Off to Make 2017 the Best Year Yet!

2016 was the year of eye-opening moments. Unfortunately, some of these moments resulted in seeing everything toxic in your life.

It’s time to get rid of that backstabbing friend, who talks bad about you behind your back. And better yet the controlling boyfriend who tried to restrict your every move. BYEEEE.

Luckily, these bad vibes will be left in 2016! Here are some tips on how to successfully cut someone off before the New Year!

1. Realizing that certain people are the problem

At times we can’t see the toxic people in our lives due to how much we love them. I think we are all at fault of this at times. We like to believe that sorry is good enough, and that this person will change. But you can’t change people. They have to be willing to change for themselves.

Realizing this sooner, rather than later will help you to leave behind the negativity.


  2. Letting Go

It’s hard to say goodbye to people that you invested so much of your time on. Love is a hard thing to let go of. But sometimes it has to be done, and it is not as easy as it sounds.

Don’t second guess yourself because you are stronger than you think you are! Follow your heart and follow your gut feeling because it is usually always right.


3. Erase, Delete, Expunge

Sometimes we really just need to remove people from our minds, and yes this means deleting the pictures. De-friending them from Facebook, blocking them from Twitter and Instagram and better yet deleting their number!

Ladies, you want to know a way to get over your man, well start with doing all of the above. Boys are hard to get over, but it is not impossible! Your ex best friend and your ex boyfriend don’t deserve to see how happy you are! Let them be petty on Twitter because you know they can’t say it to your face!


4. Finally being free

When the bad people leave your life you will definitely feel a sense of relief.Some people won’t be in our lives forever. Some will stay, and some will go. The real ones will stick around.Being free from the uglies makes your world more vibrant, and the love continues to be spread.

Before construction, comes destruction. In order to let ourselves rebuild we need to tear some of the walls that are restricting us.A lot of things can be hard to let go of, but letting go of the bad people will ultimately make your new year the best one yet. In with the new, out with the old!

Make this year a year about you, a year of self discovery, a year of positive vibes with amazing people by your side! This year has the potential to be great, and it starts with who you surround yourself with!

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