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10 Reasons Why Obama Made America Great

He promotes equality and unity, he encourages integrity, he carries out change…President Barack Obama is a man who has helped America grow in so many ways.

As his time in office is coming to an end, it feels like we are going to miss a big part of what has made America great for the last 8 years.

The list can go on and on with reasons why we love Obama, but here is a quick list of 10 that explain why Obama will always be #1 in our hearts forever.


Above all,  Barack Obama is the most human president we have seen. We were granted the chance to see sides of the Chief Executive that we haven’t seen in the past. We have seen his role as a father, a husband, a friend, and our leader. President Obama isn’t afraid to let us into his life. He has connected with us not only through his decisions as POTUS, but through his candor. We have cried, we have laughed, and we have been through it all with our President!


President Obama is for unity. He works, to the best of his ability, to make changes that will better us as a majority. He is an activist for so many different organizations, such as the Power PAC+.  This is a man, who stands for every person, who has ever felt discriminated against. He fights for us.


Yes ladies, he respects us! He has made great strides in the fight for gender equality, since he first entered into office. Obama has advocated for equal pay between men and women, made a point to exploit the battle we face with sexual assault. All and all, he has made us a priority. He has done so much more for us than we could ever imagine.



The president loves everyone and he wants everyone to have the opportunity to love. In 2015, Barack legalized same-sex marriage in our country. Obama has made it possible for people to feel safe and loved in a community that embraces our differences. He has prevented hate crimes against those in the LGBT communities and has made it possible for us to love ourselves because we feel safe in a country that loves us back.


Obama is for progressing as a whole and has made the unemployment rate lower than ever. More Americans are working, less Americans are struggling, He has made an outstanding contribution to providing millions of Americans like you and I with jobs! YES OBAMA, YES!



If there is one thing that we know, it is that Obama strives to make America a place of equality. For this reason, he has worked so hard to make American truly united. It’s been his mission to address as many possible issues of belittlement and inequality that we the people have brought to the public eye. He has made it a point to make everyone in this aware that their voice as an American matters.


Education is important and our very own President has tried his best to make college more affordable. He is preparing our future generation to succeed through schooling and he promotes higher education. He is for our teachers and educators! YES, OBAMA CARES ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION!


President Obama is the founder of  the Affordable Care Act, which assists us in understanding insurance policies. This Act gives Americans a better chance at healthcare and highlights many positive benefits. Our rights are protected and  recognized through the Obamacare system.



No matter what, Obama has always stayed optimistic for the future. With our new President Elect, Donald Trump, many people are in fear. They are anticipating big changes to our given rights that Obama has fought so hard to protect. Instead of bashing Trump, Obama has gracefully made it clear that he will help the Trump administration transition into the White House as easily as possible. Obama has chosen to rise above and integrate his optimism to the whole of the world, encouraging Americans to unite as one.


Integrity is the one word that will always be used to describe Barack Obama. With all the crazy banter that has taken place this election season, one thing remains true; Obama continues to be great. He has shown what it means to be a leader. His character is always true to his beliefs, forever keeping it classy. He radiates integrity, he spreads love, and shows manners. He is everything that we look for in a leader, and we, the people of the United States, will miss him so much.


Whether you liked Barack Obama or not, you cannot deny how unified we are as a nation because of him.

All things considered, he has done so much for every community of people. He has made history, not only as the first African-American to become president, but also showing the world what it means to stand for all.

Obama is one reason why I love being an American and he is among many reasons why I will continue to fight for all the things that he fought so hard to make possible.

I don’t know what I will miss more; his jokes, his smile, his bae-like qualities, or his devotion and love for all of us. But he will be missed. Forever thankful for you Obama!

“I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We’ve made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.But I also know, how much I love America.”


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