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Trumps Accused Obama for Wire Tapping and the Claims Go Wrong

trump wire tapping

Trump has claimed many things including having his wires tapped by Obama.

These claims of wire tapping, which appeared via tweets, were followed up with investigations; first with lawful examination via federal agents and with journalistic inquiry. As non-results have appeared, with the deadline for evidence passing without any evidence shown, Trump spokesmen responded by claiming that the President was using the terms wire-tapping as generalization to simply mean surveillance at Trump Tower. Spicer said the term ‘wire-tapping,’ appearing in quotation marks as tweeted by Trump, wasn’t a direct reference to the actual act of wire-tapping, rather just to mean overall observation.

Wire-tapping, by definition, is the furtive close monitoring of telephone communication or internet use and history.

Spicer’s statement was followed up by Kellyanne Conway deliberating on how technology can be hacked for espionage, including microwaves.
But most recently, and here’s the kicker, FBI and NSA director have stated that there has been no evidence to support Trumps claims. Trump administration is yet to respond.

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