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The Ultimate Question: Can Exes Remain Friends?

Can exes remain friends? The million dollar everyone wants to know or for better words feel they already have the answer too.

Love is a beautiful thing. Two people meet they fall in love and they began building this vision of a whole life together. But as beautiful as love begins, sometimes it does come to an end. Then you’re left wondering, where do we go from here?

Now if we’re going to be real and I mean really real. We need to look at the aspects of the relationship and what caused the termination. If there were things like insecurities, cheating, and trust issues leading up to the break-up, it should be a no-brainer. There’s no way you should be friends.  But if things ended in a less severe way, remaining friends with your ex is a possibility.

The Bad Break-Up

A Bad Break-Up is when the relationship ends because a partner engages in reckless behavior that he/she knows can end their relationship. Those actions can be infidelity, lying, and many other things that one knows will hurt their significant other. Attempting to remain friends with an ex after a “Bad Break-Up” is never good and will only result in more pain. Although we know this,  that knowledge isn’t enough to prevent us from still trying to make it work. Trust me, been there, done that and got a t-shirt.

Many times after a relationship ends badly and we want to stay connected, it’s primarily because love is still there and we are afraid to let go. So we’ll befriend an ex just to have them in our lives, not wanting to know what life’s like without out them. We do it because we are so comfortable with the consistency, that we have more love for the other person than for ourselves. This leads us to sacrifice our own hearts just to have a piece of theirs. Love can be so strong that although the relationship has been put in the coffin, we find a way to keep it revived by being “just friends”. But there’s no such thing as just friends if the love is still there through the pain. Taking on the “Bad Break-Up Method” can cause pain greater than just walking away.

The Mutual Break-Up

Previously stated, when it comes to remaining friends with an ex, it’s all about the aspects of the relationship and how things ended. Relationships don’t always end badly. Sometimes the love dies and people grow apart and that’s when mutual agreements come into play. A “Mutual Agreement Break-Up is when the two agree things just aren’t working out and decide to just remain friends. There’s no arguing or bad vibes just a conversation of wants and needs. This can occur in the beginning stages of a relationship or after a few years in.

Ultimately, remaining friends with an ex can be both possible and impossible but the condition of the relationship should determine if being friends will work for you and yours. All relationships are different, some cause pain and just die out. As long as the decision to remain friends with your ex will not cause pain, it most certainly is possible. So can ex’s remain friends? the answer is yes, as long as it’s for the right reasons.

Have you ever maintained a relationship with your ex? We love to know! Drop a comment and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, & Facebook @MEFeater for another plate of Music, Entertainment & Fashion.

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