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Stress-Free Tips: 6 Strategies for Keeping Calm in the Office

Unfortunately, work won’t always be rainbows and sunshine. Even if you love your manager or what you do, you will experience some bad days. It might be because of a challenging co-worker or countless responsibilities, but whatever the case, you need strategies for keeping calm in the office.

Naturally, it’s easier said than done, especially when you’re triggered or stressed. However, maintaining your composure when you’re upset demonstrates professionalism. It also shows your employer you can be productive and focused even on the worst days. These are all good signs that can lead to a raise or promotion down the line. 

Ready to start practicing emotional regulation? Here are six strategies for keeping calm in the office. 

1. Practice positive self-talk

Photo Credit: Anderson Coelho via Getty Images.

What we tell ourselves internally influences our sense of self and self-esteem. So when you’re upset or stressed, give yourself some positive affirmations. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” repeat positive affirmations like, “I am capable” or “I am good and getting better.” 

Practicing positive self-talk does more than improve your mood and confidence; it also changes your brain chemistry. A 2015 study by the Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience journal revealed that self-affirmation can influence your brain chemistry and improve your perception of yourself.

So, give yourself a pep talk the next time you’re upset and fall into negative self-talk. A good rule is to talk to yourself the way you would speak to your friend. You’d never say, “I’m not good at anything,” to a friend, right? Nope, so don’t do it to yourself either.

2. Take a break or two 

Positive self-talk is great, but sometimes you need a second to breathe. And truthfully, you deserve a break to recharge and relax. You’re not a robot! Take a walk around the office or get some water. Eat productivity snacks like a cup of Greek yogurt, trail mix, or crackers. Taking repeated breaks throughout the workday helps you tackle your work with a calm demeanor and focused mind. 

3. Reward yourself

Credit: stefanamer/iStock / Getty Images Plus

A reward is different from a break. You should always take breaks, whether you’re having a good or bad day. A reward is a little pick-me-up to make yourself feel better. When one is upset or triggered, they need reminders (re: rewards) of their greatness. And food is a fine reward, in our opinion. Whether that’s something sweet like chocolate-flavored yogurt or something savory like potato chips, a snack is a reward to your body (and mind!) needs. Plus, food is fuel, remember? 

4. Start practicing deep breathing exercises 

A great way to keep calm in the office is by controlling your breathing. It can be difficult to calm down when you’re in a triggered state. However, that’s where breathing exercises come in. They act as a “reset button” for your nervous system and help you calm down. There are several different breathing exercises to choose from, but our favorite is the 4-7-8 method because it’s easy and beginner-friendly. Breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and slowly exhale for eight seconds. Repeat until you feel the anxiety and frustration leave your body. 

5. Listen to your favorite song

Credit: zamrznutitonovi/iStock / Getty Images Plus

Music is a great coping mechanism, and science backs it up. Research from the University of Reno, Nevada, found that music effectively reduces stress and improves mood. According to the study, the best genre is instrumental beats like jazz and Indian stringed instruments, along with nature sounds like rainwater and thunder. Naturally, the best music to make you feel better is your choice. Some feel better and more productive listening to thunder and natural sounds, while others prefer hip-hop and rap beats.

6. Create a self-care routine 

What do you do at home when you’re upset? Eat some ice cream and take a bubble bath. Well, you can’t do that at work, but you can make a work self-care routine. A work self-care routine can look like packing nutritious snacks like a mixed-fruit yogurt or protein bar into your lunch box. 

Place positive notes on your desk as reminders or have sensory toys like slime readily available to relieve anxiety. Personalize your work self-care routine and make it for you. And try to practice self-care even when you’re not upset. Yes, it’s a great way to keep calm in the office, but always taking care of yourself should be the standard. 

The next time you’re upset, try one of these six strategies for keeping calm in the office. Everyone’s body is different; thus, not every strategy will work. Some can calm down after a few bites of their fave dairy-free yogurt, while others must practice deep breathing techniques to relieve the tension. No matter your strategy, it’s essential to implement it in your daily routine so you know how to cope at work, at home, or anywhere else.

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