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Astro Forecast: Your Astrological Roadmap for January 2024

January 2024 Astrology Forecast

Credit: Rahel Atalay | @ra.habesha

2024 kicks off with powerful transits in January. Collectively, the astro-forecast hints towards a month focused on ambitious pursuits, being more efficient, and the seeds of technological revolutions. The new moon brings opportunities for new beginnings in your career. The full moon will close out cycles, requiring you to reflect on your personal growth and accomplishments in the last year. The progression of the sun and Pluto into Aquarius will usher in an extremely powerful era, potent for upcoming technological changes and societal advancements over the next 20 years. Uranus stationing directly in Taurus closes out the month with an element of unpredictability and innovation regarding financial institutions — hold tight!

Jan. 1: Mercury Stations Direct in Sagittarius

New year, new mindset. Mercury stations direct on New Year’s Day, kicking off 2024 and bringing Mercury retrograde to a close. Mercury in Sagittarius can represent the need to voice bold ideas and maintain a direct communication style with others. Try not to argue with others about your beliefs! Mercury retrograde may have muddied the waters of communication during these last few weeks. By stationing directly, Mercury (the planet of communication) moves forward again, providing clarity and progress in decision-making.

Jan. 4: Mars Enters Capricorn

Mars is the planet that rules energy, ambition, passion, and drive. On Jan. 4, Mars moves into the constellation of Capricorn, adding a layer of efficiency, ambition, productivity, and determination to the mix. Depending on the house it transits, Mars in Capricorn will provide us with the willpower to focus on and accomplish our goals.

Jan. 11: New Moon in Capricorn

New moons are a powerful time to manifest new beginnings. Given that the new moon is in Capricorn, major themes during this time may regard your career, legacy, and long-term goals. The house that you have Capricorn ruling will further indicate what themes will be relevant during this time.

Jan. 13: Mercury Enters Capricorn

On Jan. 13, Mercury moves into the constellation of Capricorn. Mercury is the planet that rules our minds, thoughts, communication, and thought processes. Mercury will be influenced by Capricorn-like themes: practical perspectives, ambitious ideas, strategic decision-making, and structuring daily routines.

Credit: Rahel Atalay/@ra.habesha

Jan. 20: Pluto Moves into Aquarius

As Pluto begins its 20-year transit into the constellation Aquarius, we’ll start to see the seeds of developmental changes in society. We’re moving into an age of exponential technological advancements and paradigm shifts that will reflect across technology, society, and government structures.

Jan. 20: Sun Moves into Aquarius

In conjunction with Pluto, the sun simultaneously moves into Aquarius on Jan. 20. This transit inspires us to champion freedom, not just for ourselves but for our communities. With the sun moving into Aquarius, the collective is encouraged to think outside the box and find innovative solutions for any challenges that may challenge your willpower.  

Jan. 23: Venus Enters Capricorn

On Jan. 23, Venus enters Capricorn, adding a touch of practicality regarding finances. This transit also brings a focus to relationships, stability, and commitment. This may be a favorable time to review contracts and agreements and begin commitments in general.

Credit: Rahel Atalay/@ra.habesha

Jan. 25: Full Moon in Leo

Full moons are known to represent a culmination of energy; unlike new moons, which represent new beginnings — a full moon represents closing out cycles and reflecting on the growth since the last full moon in that sign. This full moon in Leo will bring a culmination to cycles related to your self-confidence, creativity, hobbies, and personal achievements.

Jan. 26: Uranus Goes Direct in Taurus

On Jan. 26, Uranus stations directly in Taurus. Uranus is a planet of sudden changes and revolutions, and it can cause some friction when placed in a practical, stable sign like Taurus. This transit encourages us to break free from financial constraints and reevaluate our perspectives on materialism. Embracing the shifts that Uranus in Taurus brings can ultimately lead to long-lasting stability and a liberated financial future.

January serves as a catalyst for the rest of 2024, kicking off a year with transits that will affect us for the following weeks, months, and years. Utilize your knowledge of the cosmos to navigate these upcoming changes. This month, the cosmos invites us to embrace change while maintaining an innovative and visionary approach to the year ahead.

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